Slay the Holidays From Head to Toe With These Protective Styling Tips
It’s that time of year again where you get all dolled up to enjoy long weekends with the people you love the most for the holidays. Between hitting the grocery store to stock up on all of the holiday meal prep materials to scrubbing the house down to welcome your guests, the last thing on your to-do list is figuring out how to wear your natural hair in a style other than your regular twist out.
Sure, that middle part braid-out or wash and go high puff is totally fine for your regular, everyday look but it’s the holidays! On the other hand, trying your hand at impractical YouTube styles isn’t a good use of your time either. There’s a far less time consuming way to create to create that special, festive look without wrestling with your curls for half of the holiday weekend.
Protective styles is a practical and convenient way to change up your look without having to be a professional stylist. You can go all out and create a look that is completely different from your own natural hair or you can simply add in a few clip-ins for extra volume or length. Protective styling for natural hair doesn’t always consist of elaborate braids or intricate sew-ins. By adding in a few Crown & Empress Curls Clip-ins, you can easily usher your regular Monday through Friday look right into the holiday season. These bouncy human hair curls blend into your natural coils seamlessly and elevate any style.
Whether you want a puffier puff or a viral worthy twist-out, the Crown & Empress Curls Clip-ins are the extra oomph you need to take your hair to the next level. Created to be treated like your own hair, these clip ins are incredibly easy to install and won’t overly stress your own hair. Making it to your flight on time to get across the country for Christmas day might be a challenge but having amazing looking hair when you walk through that door won’t be!