SUPERMOGUL, Iman Photographed & Interviewed By SCENE Magazine
Photograph Credits: Donald Friedman
The feeling is joy. That’s the sole—and soul—reaction to witnessing Iman Abdulmajid model up close. With more than a quarter century of photo shoots behind her, the 58-year-old moves with the grace and confidence of an authority in her field. She glides through poses and looks, and it’s clear Iman needs no direction—instead, she offers it. “Through the years, I’ve learned what works for me,” she explains. “Most importantly, I can see in my head the final shot, so the objective is to create something original and modern, to serve the photographer’s vision.” Iman is poised and precise in action, and it’s not long before the entire room recognizes as fact what the unacquainted may assume is fiction: Iman is a living masterpiece.
Read the full interview:
*SCENE Magazine is a NYC-Based fashion and society magazine.